16-021991 1747hrs Burglary to Residence 1 Elton Place
Contact was made with victim who stated she received a call from the alarm company stating the alarm was activated and an improper code was entered. The victim advised that there should not be any one in the residence at this time. The victim advised when she arrived home she observed the window on the east side of the residence was smashed. The victim advised that the residence was last seen secure at approximately 1500 hours until she received the alarm call at 1700hrs. The victim noticed dirt marks on the ledge of the smashed out window that appeared as if someone entered through that window. A search of the residence revealed no one inside and no items missing.
16-021999 1848hrs Overdose 301 N. Federal Hwy (CVS)
Contact was made with W/F, who was on the ground lying next to her vehicle unconscious and not breathing. BBFR was able to revive her and transported her to Bethesda Hospital.
16-022038 1947hrs Burglary to Residence 100 SW 2ns St
Contact was made with victim who advised sometime between 0745hrs and 1900hrs, today’s date, an unknown person forcefully entered his residence. The victim advised that when he left his residence at approximately 0745hrs, he properly secured it as normal. When he arrived at approximately 1900hrs, he noticed the locking mechanism to his front door was broken. The victim advised after conducting a quick inventory of his personal belonging he noticed that his 21 inch television and some miscellaneous items were missing.
16-022042 2041hrs Burglary to Residence 329 Glen Arbor Terrace
Contact was made with victim who stated that sometime between 1000 and 2000hrs today someone made entry to his residence by prying the lock to the rear slider door open. A search of the residence was conducted which revealed that prescription medications and numerous liquor bottles were taken.