19-008105 Theft (Auto) Southern Cross Ln. 0752hrs.
2013 Ford E350, white in color, bearing Fl tag 905PEU, was stolen from the above location.
19-008106 Burglary (Auto) Leisure Ln. 0824hrs.
19-008106 Burglary (Auto) NW 10th Ct. 0824hrs.
19-008106 Burglary (Auto) NW 10th Ct. 0824hrs.
19-008106 Burglary (Auto) NW 10th Ct. 0824hrs.
19-008106 Burglary (Auto) NW 10th Ct. 0824hrs.
19-008111 Burglary (Auto) NW 14th St. 0926hrs.
19-008124 Burglary (Auto) SW 5th Ave. 0942hrs.
19-008129 Burglary (Occupied Dwelling) Horizons West. 1002hrs.
Unknown suspect(s) entered the enclosed patio area and stole a silver and black Trek bicycle sometime between 2300hrs. on 02/11/19 and 0600hrs. today.
19-008131 Burglary (Auto) SW 15th St. 1015hrs.
19-008134 Burglary (Auto) SW 20th St. 1020hrs.
19-008145 Theft (License Plate) E. Boynton Bch Blvd. 1153hrs.
Fl tag IMIM28 was stolen sometime between 1000hrs. on 02/11/19 and 1200hrs. today.
19-008148 Overdose (Not fatal) 404 NE 10th Ave. 1250hrs.
19-008160 Theft (Auto) 2 Mango Creek Ln. 1418hrs.
2013 Toyota Camry, black in color, bearing NJ tag M45DKS, was stolen sometime between 2200hrs. on 02/11/19 and 0700hrs. today.