18-003587 2055 hours Failed to Stop 1200 NW 1st St.
Officer Autiello attempted to stop a Black in color Kia SUV for excessive speed at the aforementioned location. The vehicle failed to yield and proceeded to enter I-95 from Gateway Blvd.
18-003535 Burglary (Residential) 815 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. #103 1519 hours
The victim advised that upon arriving home he observed that the front door to his residence had been forced open. Removed were numerous electronic items totaling $2,750. Possible suspect information was that of a two black males (one with short hair, one with dreads) driving a white sedan style vehicle (NFI).
18-003540 Burglary (Residential) 815 W. Boynton Beach Blvd. 1456 hours
The victim advised that upon arriving home he observed that the front door of his residence appeared to have been forced open. He noticed a white sedan parked in front of his unit occupied by a black male driver. The driver whistled at which point a second black male exited the victim’s apartment and entered the white vehicle which then fled the scene. The victim entered his residence and observed that his flat screen TV had been removed from the wall and the apartment ransacked. Missing from the residence were numerous jewelry items totaling $1900.
18-003543 Train Crash (Fatal) 100 N. FEC 1626 hours
Units responded to the area in reference to a train crash involving a subject on a bicycle. A Bright Line train struck a white male on a bicycle at the intersection of E. Ocean Ave. and the FEC tracks. BBFR responded and pronounced the male deceased. Crime Scene, D-bureau, FEC Police, and Medical Examiner responded. NOK notified.
18-003472 Burglary Residence 312 NW 12th Ave 0904hrs
Unknown suspect made forced entry through a bedroom window of the residence and then removed the refrigerator and a stove with a total value of $1,100.