19-005385 Burglary Residence 2401 Venetian Way 1659 hours
Officers responded to the above address in reference to a delayed burglary. The officers learned that an unknown individual entered the victim’s garage and stole a $1500 bicycle. The stolen bicycle was described as a multi-colored White/Gray/Pink Dolce Race bike. There were no witnesses to the crime. Officers conducted a canvass of the area for video surveillance without success.
19-005413 Recovered Stolen Firearms 200 NE 12th Ave 1920 hours
Officers were dispatched to the above location in response to large fight. Upon arrival, the officers observed a large group of people crowding the roadway. As officers approached, a group of young males fled on foot from a vehicle that was left in the roadway. The vehicle’s driver door was left open and a handgun was observed on the front passenger seat. The officers also located two additional handguns underneath another nearby vehicles. All 3 handguns were later found to be stolen out of PBSO. While on scene, a male approached the officers and claimed to be the owner of the vehicle. The male told officers he did not have any knowledge of any firearms in or near his vehicle. The handguns were placed into BBPD Evidence.
19-005313 Burglary (Auto) 412 Monterey Cir. 0817hrs.
19-005318 Death (Dr. will sign) Horizons East. 0848hrs.
Woman passed away at 108 years old.
19-005332 Burglary (Auto) 258 NE 7th Ave. 0905hrs.
19-005323 Burglary (Auto) 1115 Lake Terr. 0917hrs.
19-005324 Burglary (Auto) 103 SW 15th Ct. 0919hrs.
19-005326 Fraud/ Resist Arrest 289 N. Congress Ave. 0930hrs.