14-044277 1745 hours Suspicious Incident Boynton Lakes Park
Officers were dispatched to a report of two individuals, later identified as W/M Juvenile B/M Juvenile , displaying a handgun at the park. When officers arrived, one juvenile was holding a handgun in a weaver/isosceles stance – having all the characteristics that he was going to discharge the handgun. Fortunately for both, they followed the lawful commands to drop the handgun without incident. Investigation revealed that the handgun was actually an air soft pistol that the orange muzzle tip had been broken off – giving all appearances that the air soft pistol was a firearm. After being verbally counseled on the importance of gun safety; the juveniles’ parents were contacted, who in-turn retrieved their children, without further incident.
14-044175 Theft 2010 N. Fed. Hwy.(Harvey Oyer Jr. Park) 0955hrs
Officers responded to the above address in ref. to a theft. Upon arrival BBPD Parking Enforcement Specialist stated that he placed 6 orange traffic cones out in the parking lot on 10-1-14 at 0400 and when he returned today at 0400 they had been taken. Total loss $150.
14-044183 Attempted GTA 450 N. Road. 1009hrs
Officers responded to the above address in ref. to an attempted GTA. Unknown persons broke out the window of the complainant’s 2002 Dodge Durango FL. Tag F04-0HP and attempted to steal the vehicle. $500 worth of damage.
14-044211 Burglary Auto 270 South Blvd #C. 1044hrs
Officers responded to above address in ref. to a burglary auto. The victim advised that unknown suspect(s) entered his 2008 Mercury Milan FL tag. 601-QUS silver in color. The victim left the passenger door unlocked last night. It did not appear that anything was missing.
14-044213 Burglary Auto 275 South Blvd #.D 1059hrs
Officers responded to above address in ref. to a burglary to auto. Victim advised that he left his Kia Optima red in color FL tag. BBI-Q73 unlocked. A $1.00 bill was missing.
14-044222 GTA 285 High Point Blvd #A. 1135hrs
Officers responded to above address in ref. to a GTA. Upon arrival the victim told officers that unknown suspect(s) stole her 2004 silver in color Kia Spectra FL. Tag F45-5HM. Vehicle was entered into N/FCIC as stolen.