COVID-19 Information from BBPD

Due to the rising positivity rates of Covid-19 in Palm Beach County and surrounding areas, the City is reinstating its facial covering requirement.
Effective January 3, 2022 and until further notice, per City policy, individuals (regardless of vaccination status) will be required to wear facial coverings when inside City-owned buildings and facilities and practice physical (social) distancing.
Those requiring a special accommodation should contact the City’s ADA Coordinator at 561-742-6241 or
Law Enforcement Officers are authorized to issue a trespass warning and to remove any individual who is not in compliance with this policy.
The Boynton Beach is making efforts to follow COVID-19 safety precautions from the CDC & the Florida Department of Health to reduce the spread of the virus.
Therefore, we are increasing our efforts to take minor reports over the phone when a police officer is not required at the scene.
We will continue to send officers where their presence is needed to protect your safety and maintain public order.
If you need us and it is not an emergency, call 561-732-8116.
Click on the links below for assistance:
Request a police report
Request a traffic crash report
Report a minor traffic crash
Apply for an alarm permit
Please help us do all we can to keep our community healthy during this challenging time. We will get through this together.