Red-light cameras will officially be turned back on in the City of Boynton Beach on Sept. 1, city leaders announced today.
In addition to press releases and notifications on the City’s social media, there will be a two week warning period so drivers have time to adjust to the reinstitution of the Red-Light Camera Program and modify their driving behavior.
From Sept. 1 through and including Sept. 14, any vehicles that run a red light at an intersection where Red-Light Camera systems are installed will receive a warning letter and will not be required to pay any fines.
On and after Sept. 15, any vehicles that run a red light at one of those intersections will be issued a Notice of Violation by the City of Boynton Beach, and will be required to pay any and all fines as required by Florida Law.
There are 15 Red-Light Camera systems installed at seven intersections throughout the City of Boynton Beach. The locations are as follows:

  • Northwest 8th Street and West Boynton Beach Boulevard (southbound)
  • Boynton Beach Boulevard and North Seacrest Boulevard (eastbound)
  • South Federal Highway and Southeast 23rd Avenue (northbound & southbound)
  • East Gateway Boulevard and North Congress Avenue (northbound, southbound, eastbound & westbound)
  • West Boynton Beach Boulevard/Northwest Second Avenue and North Congress Avenue (northbound & eastbound)
  • West Woolbright Road and South Congress Avenue (northbound, southbound, eastbound & westbound)
  • West Woolbright Road and Southwest 8th Street/Corporate Drive (eastbound)

The goal of the Red-Light Camera Program is to improve the safety of our roadways for drivers, pedestrians and other roadway users by combating red-light running. Red-light cameras capture a vehicle’s data, including video and high-resolution images, if that vehicle crosses the stop bar after the signal has already turned red.
The fine for running a red light at an intersection where a red-light camera is installed is $158, with no points added to the driver’s record. Registered owners of the violating vehicles will receive a Notice of Violation in the mail and will have 60 days to respond by either paying the fine, requesting a hearing or submitting an affidavit naming another individual as the driver of the vehicle. Failure to respond to the Notice of Violation after 60 days will result in the issuance of a Uniform Traffic Citation, which can result in a fine of $264.
All images and video pertaining to violations can be viewed online before paying or contesting the citation at by inputting your citation number.
Any questions can be directed to the Boynton Beach Police Department Red-Light Camera Program at 561-742-6820 or email To learn more about the City of Boynton Beach Red-Light Camera Program, please visit the FAQ page on our website,