15-04818 1902 hrs Battery 1600 S Federal Hwy
Thierry Toussaint entered onto a Palm Tran bus when he was identified by the bus driver as the person who spit on her on 02.03.15. He was charged and forwarded to CJ.
15-013629 2223 hrs Poss. of Marijuana <20 grams 2300 BLK of S Federal Hwy
A traffic stop was conducted on a blue Subaru and after further investigation, the driver Nicholas Case was found to in possession of marijuana. He was issued an NTA.
Several shots fired calls which yielded negative results on any evidence. Local hospitals notified.
15-013618 2127 hrs NE 16th Ct.
15-013633 2304 hrs area of 1810 New Palm Way.
15-013638 2336 hrs area of Manatee Bay Dr.
15-013650 0138 hrs area of 1400 N Seacrest Blvd.
15-013651 0147 hrs 1005 N Seacrest Blvd. (Z Market)
15-13479 0801hrs Burglary to Fenced Compound 610 Industrial Ave
Contact was made with the victim who stated that he left the property at approximately 2000 hrs last night and the property was fine. Upon returning to the property this morning at approximately 0745 hrs, he noticed that someone had attempted to cut the chain & lock off of the front entry fence. He stated that entry was possibly gained into the fenced area by jumping the fence. He stated that once inside the fence the suspects removed the west entry door from its hinges. Hestated that nothing was taken from the property as the property is currently vacant. The total estimated damage to the door is $650.
15-13493 0941hrs Warrant 402 NW 9th Ave
B/M Reginald Mathieu (05-22-82) informed Officer Jeanniton that he had an FTA warrant and would like to take care of it. An F/FCIC and PALMS check revealed Mathieu had an active warrant in reference to FTA for arraignment for DWLS Warrant number 09-012272 CTAXX. TOT PBCJ.
15-13519 1159hrs Stolen Vehicle 4753 N. Congress Ave
Officer responded to Meadows Square, located at 4753 N Congress Ave. Contact was made with victim in the parking lot of the shopping center. Victim stated between 1800hrs on 03-30-15 and 1000hrs on 03-31-15, unknown person(s) removed his vehicle from the parking lot. The vehicle was described as a 4 door beige 1994 Lexus ES 300 bearing FL tag 910QRK with attached decal. Victim stated he left the vehicle unlocked and they key was under the driver side floor mat. Victim is the Security Officer and he patrols the parking lot. Victim had no suspect(s) information, vehicle was not on the tow log, and vehicle was entered into N/FCIC.
15-13514 1146hrs Burglary To Residence Bentwood DR
Contact was made with victim who said that he is the owner of BP Service group. His company was hired to remodel the house. He said that between 03/27/15 and 03/30/15 and unknown person entered the secured construction site and removed the following: Scaffolding valued at $700.00, two bi-fold doors valued $75.00 each and a main bathroom door valued $140.00, grand total of $ 990.00. The aforementioned items did not have a documented serial number or special identifier. The site is secured with a lock box which all workers and undocumented trainees have access too. There were no signs of forced entry. The site could have been accessed only by a worker with the capability to carry off in a truck the aforementioned items.