15-035666 Burglary to Auto(Delayed) 3500 clubhouse Ln (Hunters Run)
Victim advised that between 1300-1400 hours on this date, unknown person(s) entered her unsecured vehicle and removed her purse which contained numerous personal credentials.
15-035682 Burglary to Auto(Delayed) Tara Lakes Dr W
Victim advised that between July 24th, 2015 and July 26th , 2015 unknown person(s) entered his unsecured vehicle and removed a firearm from the vehicle’s glove compartment. The firearm is a 9mm Keltec.
15-035706 Burglary to Fenced Compound 421 NE 7th Ave (Interstate Towing)
Ofc. Davis arrested Joshua D’Amico for Burglary to a fenced compound. Search incident to arrest, revealed that D’Amico was in possession of numerous control substances without prescription including 2mg of Xanax. D’Amico was transported to C.J.
15-035581 0735 hours Burglary to Auto LA Fitness/ 2290 North Congress Ave.
Unknown person(s), burglarized a 2003 Toyota Tacoma. Entry was made possibly due to victim leaving doors unlocked/ unsecured. Stolen was a Nike bag, army camo backpack with office keys, brown wallet, misc credit cards and $80 US Currency. Total estimated loss $193.00.