15-013401 1654 hrs Burglary to Auto 1071 Grove Park Circle
Between 1800 hrs on 03.29.15 and 1200 hrs on this date, an unknown person(s) entered into an unsecured 1990 black BMW and removed several items.
15-013408 1839 hrs Burglary to Residence NE 26th Ave.
Between 1000 hrs on 02.02.15 and 1800 hrs this date, an unknown person(s) entered into this vacant residence via the rear door which was covered with a piece of wood. The suspects removed several items.
15-13282 0530hrs AOD BSO BBPD
BBPD Units met with the Broward Sheriff Office Units in reference to assist them with 2 warrants pick up in our city. Units proceeded to 3650 Nantucket Ct and made contact with w/m John J Magnetta who had a warrant pick up order under BSO case 15-484. Units then proceeded to 3815 S Lake Dr and made contact with w/m David J Fertel who had a warrant pick up order under BSO case 15-485. Subjects were taken into custody without incident. Subjects were transported to BBPD for booking and TOT PBCJ where they would be turned back over to BSO.