14-049064/14-049068 0833hrs Burglary to Auto 1475 W. Gateway. (Hampton Inn)
0643-Officers responded to theabove address in ref. to burglary to autos. Both vehicles were
broken into. Misc. things taken. Crime scene was negative on both vehicles.
There is no video coverage in these areas.
14-049067 1139hrs Burglary to Auto 905 SE 4th St.
Officers responded to the above address in ref. to a burglary to auto. While speaking to the victim
a suspicious persons call came out. Officers responded to that call also. Through investigation it was
found that the suspicious person W/M Joshua Minnich had been involved with the burglary to auto.
He was arrested processed and TOT PBCJ.
14-049173 1730 hours Bicycle Theft 208 S. Seacrest Blvd. (Library)
Brenda Ventura reported her bicycle (described as pink women’s bicycle – unknown serial number) stolen,
from the above location. It’s unknown if this bicycle theft is related to the recent rash of bicycle thefts or not.