17-058421 1619 hours Burglary Auto 9 Colonial Club Dr #100
Victim reported his Garmin GPS taken from his red Chevy Camaro between 10/08/2017 1900 and 10/09/2017 1200hrs. Vehicle was left unlocked by owner.
17-058499 2121 hours DUI Arrest 1300 SW 30th Ave
W/F Marlen Zuniga-Alvarado was arrested for DUI after investigation revealed she was impaired while operating her vehicle. Zuniga-Alvarado was processed and later TOT PBCJ.
17-058523 2251 hours Burglary Residence SE 36th Ave
Victim reported that unknown persons forced entry into the residence and stole numerous jewelry items and a safe that included cash. Total loss valued at $26,620.
17-058533 2345 hours Loitering and Prowling 619 New Lake Drive (The Cove)
Police units responded to The Cove in regards to a male attempting to pull on door handles. Officers arrived on scene and located B/M Herron Fields within the community. It was determined that Fields was not a resident of the community and his stories were too inconsistent. Fields was subsequently charged with L&P and released to his mother. No other victims located at this time.
The platoon responded to 1 non-fatal overdose during the course of the shift.
17-58332 0741 hrs Burglary Business 201 E. Boynton Beach Blvd. (MainStreet)
Unknown person entered the business by crawling under the wash tunnel retracting door, then entering the attic crawl space to gain access to the main business. The business video recorder was stolen and a lock box containing cash was pried open.
17-58381 1219 hrs Overdose (Not Fatal) 2821 S. Federal Hwy.