Today’s #hero, Sgt. Wessendorf, was just being the kind officer he is when he gave Max and Double junior badges last night. Why it meant so much to Max and his family will have your heart smiling. #MondayMade
“I wanted to share a story of Sgt. Steven Wessendorf who chose to show my 3 year old some kindness last night.
Max is 3 and very friendly and struck up a conversation with Srg. Wessendorf. The officer humored Max as he showed off his stuffed dog, Double and even got on one knee to speak eye level with him. The officer told Max to find him when the movie was done. We looked for him in the lobby, but did not see him. However, as we were walking to our car with a disappointed kid, Sgt. Wessenforf tracked us down and presented both Max and Double with badges.
This may not seem like a huge deal to most people, but what no one including that officer who chose to be kind to a little kid knew was What a rough few days we have had. You see, Max had to give up his beloved pacifiers this weekend. And Double, his stuffed dog, has his last pacifier inside of his belly and subsequently goes everywhere with us. Nights and naps have been very hard the past few nights and we decided as a family to go out last night just for some normalcy. The kindness of that Sgt. Wessendorf came at the perfect time.
Thank you Sgt. Wessendorf and to all of you brave men and women do to keep us safe!”
Kate, Max, Fausto and Double Teixeira
P.S Max has been talking about his “new police officer man” friend all morning